The Edwardian Lady’s Garden in Colored Pencil
6 Lessons – Start Anytime

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In a course inspired by The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady, we’ll explore Edith Holden’s techniques for creating lovely, soft botanicals and sepia ink hand-lettering. Our wildflowers, birds and insects will all be drawn in colored pencil. (You do not need a copy of the original book to do the course; I will provide scans of select diary pages as needed.) Each lesson includes one or more full-length videos and a collection of illustrated printable pages. Work at your own pace; your course access is permanent and will never expire.

Edith Holden made her nature diary in 1906, hoping her notes and drawings would inspire her young art students. Instead, this lovely little book – a record of the flora and fauna she noticed near her rural home – inspired the whole world. When it was discovered and published 50 years after Edith’s death, The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady became an international bestseller and remains one of the best-selling books in all of publishing history!


Lesson 1: Learn to use sepia, one of the world’s oldest forms of ink, to add hand-lettered notes, favorite poems or proverbs, and charming miniature sketches to your nature diary page. You may use a dip pen OR a modern fiber tip sepia drawing pen (see the supply list for more about this).

Lesson 2: Use colored pencil to draw a loose bouquet of late-summer meadow flowers in Edith’s intertwining style, then letter their common and Latin names in sepia. Add dragonflies or damselflies!

Lesson 3: Draw favorite butterfly nectar flowers in bloom, and populate them with the butterflies of your choice. Colored pencil drawing, sepia lettering.

Lesson 4: Design a page using “Mottoes,” Edith Holden’s name for the short nature poems, quotes or proverbs she included alongside her botanical drawings. Combine your lettered mottoes with a sepia ink thumbnail sketch and a colored pencil drawing for a charming combo. (It’s not difficult, and it’s fun!)

Lesson 5: Birds and blooming branches in colored pencil. Learn to accurately draw your favorite songbird in colored pencil, then perch your bird on a branch of buds and flowers.

Lesson 6: Use Edith’s principles of page design to create a cover for the month of your choice, filled with seasonal blooms, birds and insects.